Friday, March 4, 2011

Tooth Fairy Land

So, yesterday at school Mo-Mo lost her first tooth.  EXCITING!!! Then she had gymnastics for the first time where I think she was genuinely surprised that at age 6 with no training at all she could not do a back flip at the end of one class, but she loved it anyway.

Then, last night, before bed, Moira brings me two dollars that her Great-Aunt Lori sent her for Valentine's Day (all the money she has) and she says, "I want to give this to the Tooth Fairy, Mommy."

So I say, "But, Moira, Honey, the Tooth Fairy brings YOU money." 

And my sweet girl says to me, "But Mommy, the Tooth Fairy gives people stuff all the time and no one gives her anything.  I want to give her my two dollars."

How could I argue with that.  She also wrote the Tooth Fairy a note about how "grate" she is.  It's awesome and will be treasured forever.  The next morning (this morning) the Tooth Fairy left a note telling Moira that they use teeth as currency (she used the word money) in Tooth Fairy Land,  and thanked Moira for the offer of trade.  She also let Moira keep her first lost tooth but will take the next one and left $15.

Note to nieces, nephews, and cousins and old people loosing teeth this is NOT the going rate at our house, it's just a first tooth only exclusive offer so don't be coming to my house with your nasty molars expecting $15. 

Anyway, that is the Precious Mo-Mint of the day.  Hope you enjoyed!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sweet Stuff My Daughter Says

I wrote an entire book about my son ( ).  My daughter does have her own chapter in the book, but my son was born dying from his malformed heart and endured twelve heart surgeries before kindergarten.  And yet my daughter can be the drama queen.

Anyway, my son got a book, so my daughter deserves at least a blog.  Precious Mo-Mints is a minting of sweet things my little girl (Moira or Mo) says. Moira is six years old.  So, here is my first entry.

Last night, while Wii bowling, Mo proclaimed that Baby Butterfly (a threadbare doll that is so loved she makes the Velveteen Rabbit seem mint-in-box) has "bowling magic" and she was giving it us so that we all could use to get strikes.  

Also, Mo has her own super hero theme song she hums when she runs up the stairs to retrieve Baby Butterfly to gift us with that Bowling Magic.  

That is today's Precious Mo-Mint.